My adorable
A smooth and easy pregnancy, and an amazing Doctor who is supportive of me trying for a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean).
A healthy baby boy in utero. Yes, I am going to be a mom of TWO boys. I am thrilled, excited, and scared. Scared of the wrestling, them talking about bodily functions and laughing, and of course mud, EVERYWHERE. But I love being a mom of one mama's boy, so lets add another into the mix!
The health of my family. My mom mas Multiple Sclerosis and the fact that she is doing great is a blessing in itself. My sister is expecting her first baby, a girl, and she seems to be having a great pregnancy as well.
Super thankful to be able to build our dream home! We have had a few rough patches (things behind left out of the bid, changes already being made when we are pouring the basement, slow getting started) But it looks like we are off and going. They said they are even going to work the day after Thanksgiving... Scha-wing.
There are plenty of other things I'm thankful for: friends, Mason's daycare, my
What are YOU thankful for this year?